
There are no required texts for this course. Weekly readings are as follows.

Reading Summaries

For each assigned reading, you will complete a short reading reflection (200-400 words). This should summarize and critique the main points of the text, as well as draw connections to other texts and ideas introduced through this course.

Reading reflections are due weekly. All reading reflections should be complied into a single document. This will assemble an ‘annotated bibliography’ by the end of the semester (see this guide).

At the start of the semester, create a google Document or other sharable document. Share this with the instructor and TA. Make sure if you’re using Google Docs, to give access. The easiest way to do this is to click the Share button (blue button, top right), and use the ‘get sharable link’ option.

Week 1: Introduction to the IoT and Connected Products

Further Reading (Optional)

Week 2: Case Studies

Further Reading (Optional)

Week 3: Design Methods

Further Reading (Optional)

Week 4: Perspectives on Envisioning Connectivity

Further Reading (Optional)

Week 5: Considering Connectivity

Further Reading (Optional)

Week 6: Looking to the Future

Further Reading (Optional)