In Class Exercise III: Exploring Solutions - Speed Dating for Ideas

tl;dr: Rapidly explore design ideas for an ambient display that helps someone with their finances (e.g. helps financial decision making, reveals financial health, helps with budgeting, saving, makes digital payments tangible, etc.) Work with a partner to quickly brainstorm and generate ideas. Refine the design for one of these ideas.

Learning Objective

During this exercise students will rapidly iterate solutions to potential IoT solutions as a speed dating exercise. This in part will illustrate the multitude of potential objects which can be imbued with intelligence, connectedness and information; and in part provide a framework to move beyond the most obvious solutions or ‘low-hanging’ fruit.

By the end of this exercise, students will:

Time Required

1hour - 1.5 hours (depending on time)



We’re going to do speed dating for ideas. You’re going to brainstorm quickly with a partner, on person stays put, the other moves. We’ll each design with one other person and generate hundreds of potential ideas.

Problem space:

An ambient display that helps someone with their finances (e.g. helps financial decision making, reveals financial health, makes digital payments tangible, etc.) Work with a partner to quickly brainstorm and generate ideas. Refine the design for one of these ideas i.e. what’s in the collaborative project brief.

Part 1: Organize

Organize in a group of ~ 20 people (if there are more, divide into two groups of 20, etc.) such that:

  1. 10 people along one side of the table

  2. 10 people along the other

Now, we should have half the group facing the other half! Let’s begin

Part 2: Brainstorm

THE RULES: You have 5 minutes to sketch a solution with the person you are facing. It must be clear and legible so that if viewed by anyone else it will be clear, readable and understandable.

You should:

Part 3: Rinse and Repeat.

Part 4: Report out / Post Up

Part 5: Vote [optional/time permitting]

Each person has 6 points, which can be allocated as follows using dot voting

Find the three ideas you like best, and give them your votes by making a dot in the top left corner.

Tally up the votes and discuss which ideas win out - and which we should make!

Submitting your work:

Capture your ideas with a photo and Post in the #projects channel on Slack. Include a write up/summary of your discussion and photos of your brainstorming work / process.